5G is the fifth-generation wireless technology that offers faster speeds, lower latency, and higher data capacity than previous generations. It can also support the development of smart infrastructure, such as smart grids, smart farming, smart transportation, and smart cities, that can optimize energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions. 5G can also enable novel solutions for various industries and sectors, such as agriculture, renewable energy, and IoT, by leveraging technologies such as AI, machine learning, cloud computing, and big data. However, 5G also faces some challenges, such as the cost of deployment, spectrum allocation, and infrastructure build-up.
Policymakers play a critical role in facilitating the adoption of 5G and its applications for clean tech and green solutions. 5G is not the end of the road, as 6G is expected to be commercially available by 2030, offering even more advanced features and capabilities. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE provides technical content, relevant standards, and educational content for professionals and students who are interested in pursuing careers in clean tech and 5G.