Combine AI Grader with the award-winning AI Content Detector, Plagiarism Detector, and the all-new Writing Assistant for an enhanced, powerful suite dedicated to improving efficiency and error-free content.
- Faster, More Accurate Test Results
The AI Grader can quickly and accurately assess tens of thousands of standardized tests at the state, national, and university-wide levels without bias or external influences, giving students a more accurate grade for written assignments in a shorter amount of time.
- Eliminate the Worry of Error
Harness the power of AI-assisted grading to fix the discrepancy between human grading mistakes, eliminating any worry about potential errors and removing all doubt of potential unethical grading practices.
- Improve Overall Efficiency
AI-based grading can improve overall efficiency, helping reduce the risk of grader fatigue, improving turnaround windows for test results, and saving time overall for test administrators.