A new strain of coronavirus causing pneumonia-like symptoms was recently identified in Wuhan, China, marking the beginning of the spread of the virus across the globe. It has now been detected in more than 100 locations internationally, including in the United States. The virus has been named “SARS-CoV-2” and the disease it causes has been named “coronavirus disease 2019” (abbreviated “COVID-19”). Coronaviruses (CoV), so named for their “crown-like” appearance, are a large family of viruses that spread from animals to humans and include diseases like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Researchers have now confirmed that the virus can spread via human-to-human transmission, though the original source of the virus has not been identified. Unlike other coronaviruses, COVID-19 has a much larger global spread and has infected more individuals than SARS and MERS combined.
Relevant information such as research articles, journals and Conference Report from our publishers are summarized as follows.
- AAAS-Science: Cryo-EM structure of the 2019-nCoV spike in the prefusion conformation.
- AIP articles relating to epidemiology and pandemics.
- Chemistry in Coronavirus Research: A Free-to-Read Collection by the American Chemical Society – ACS Axial.
- Research and Development on Therapeutic Agents and Vaccines for COVID-19 and Related Human Coronavirus Diseases by American Chemical Society.
- Psychologist leads innovative approach to tackle psychological toll of COVID-19 by American Psychological Association.
- Research journal articles by American Society for Microbiology.
- Journals by American Thoracic Society.
- Research articles by Annual Reviews.
- Journal access removed for Annual Reviews. 40,000 review articles now available to all till 30 Apr 2020.
- Journals by ASME. New!
- Articles by Atypon.
- Latest coverage from the BMJ.
- Access to CABI’s Coronavirus collection for 3 months using voucher code.
- Research related to the coronavirus by Cambridge University Press.
- A special report published by researchers at the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) in ACS Central Science journal. New!
- A collection of the latest research on novel on the ChemRxiv preprint platform.
- Research and late-breaking news from Clarivate Analytics.
- C&EN (Chemical & Engineering News) magazine.
- Latest books and audios of fighting against COVID-19 through CNKI-eBooks (Intl) platform.
- Health and Medical research from Elseiver.
- ES&T and ES&T Letters jointly launched a Free-to-read virtual issue “Overview of Research on the Fate and Behavior of Enveloped Viruses in the Environment” to showcase the current research progress on the persistence and environmental behavior of enveloped viruses in the environment.
- Resources available to you from across IEEE. New!
- GenBank® from NLM
- Research Content From IGI Global.
- Resources from IOPPublishing.
- Topic Article Package: Coronavirus (COVID-19) by Karger.
- Research articles by JAMA Network.
- Latest information nurses need to know by Lippincott Nursing Centre.
- Journals from The Lancet.
- A collection of articles and other resources on the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak, including clinical reports, management guidelines, and commentary by The New England Journal of Medicine [NEJM].
- NEJM Journal Watch Coverage
- NEJM 医学前沿 [NEJM articles translated in Chinese].
- OUP resources on coronavirus and related topics.
- Standard aid industry in supplying medical support during COVID-19 from SAE International. New!
- Free access to articles from SAGE till 30 Apr 2020.
- The SIAM Epidemiology Collection, focused on disease modeling, pandemics, and vaccines, is freely available to all for one year! New!
- Research articles by Springer Nature.
- Research articles by SSRN [preprints]
- The New York Times coverage.
- The New York Times Resource page for Students.
- Speicialist information by Thieme.
- Transplant Library for the Transplantation Professional.
- Wiley‘s online Library.
- Wolters Kluwer Health Clarity Hub .
- Wolters Kluwer : COVID-19 Resources for Clinicians
- Wolters Kluwer : COVID-19 Resources for Nurses
- Wolters Kluwer : Last Week’s COVID-19 Briefing
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