ICE Publishing awards 2020
Each year we award authors from both industry and academia who have produced work judged by their peers to be of exceptional quality and benefit to the civil engineering, construction and materials science community.
Many of our awards date back to the 1800’s and we are working hard to collate all of the winners for you, making this a great place to start discovering our content and see how the field has changed through the years.
Papers outside of our archive (published after 2002) are free to read on this site in perpetuity as part of our commitment to furthering knowledge and best practice.
View our most recent award winners or use the tool below to see winners by award, year or journal.
Many of our awards date back to the 1800’s and we are working hard to collate all of the winners for you, making this a great place to start discovering our content and see how the field has changed through the years.
Papers outside of our archive (published after 2002) are free to read on this site in perpetuity as part of our commitment to furthering knowledge and best practice.
View our most recent award winners or use the tool below to see winners by award, year or journal.